The sound of a purring cat is one of the most comforting sounds available and can help soothe and calm you down when you're feeling stressed. Naturally, it's not just the sound that is important, but it's also the presence of the warm cuddly cat. Purrli tries to recreate both the sound and the presence of your very own virtual cat through a custom sound engine modelled after real purrs.
With a purr that delicately changes over time, Purrli aims at making the experience as real and lively as possible. Just like a real cat, Purrli will call for your attention. Just be careful when adjusting the last slider, if you don't want to be nagged in the middle of your work.
The Story
When I developed myNoise – a free online background noise generator, try it – people kept asking me for a purring cat. Unfortunately, the audio engine on myNoise was not designed to play that sort of sound. But the requests kept coming! At one point, I realized that I was spending more time answering emails explaining why "a cat purr" wouldn't work than it would take for me to design one! This is how the cat purr generator on myNoise came to exist. When it premiered, 'Furry Friend' – the name of that generator – instantly filled myNoise fans and cat lovers with joy. The buzz on the Internet softly stretched from a subtle gentle purr to the roaring crescendo of a growl of now over a million views. Though successful, I have never have been particularly proud of that sound, and I can hear the many shortcomings coming from the inadequacy of the myNoise audio engine. Sooner or later, I had to come with a better purr generator, and I think it's ready. Meet Purrli, Your Internet Cat!
Purrli is a free website that runs without ads. Your support helps me to keep this site purring. If you enjoy Purrli regularly, consider supporting my work with a donation. You will be rewarded with bonus features, such as the ability to bring your own cat at the office (by loading your own picture in Purrli's full screen mode), and more purrs! (see below)
More purrs for PatrRRRrons
Patrons have access to different purr models. The default purr model named Babouche – the one playing now – is a tranquil, warm purr modeled after my female cat. Two other models are available: Simba, a 10-week old kitten. His purr hasn't yet the bottom-end of an adult cat, and that's what makes it so cute! And Tiger, a male cat with a more crackling purr. Tiger is a white noise purr machine, ideal for office use!
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Use Cases
In the beginning, I thought a cat purr would be no more than a gimmick. Something fun, but probably useless. Many user testimonials later, I realize how wrong I was. Thanks to the interaction with cat purr fans, I have discovered the many uses of such a particular sound, and - here is the revelation - just how such a simple sound can brighten the day of many people around the world.
If you are puzzled about why people would use a cat purr generator, have a look at the user testimonials shared below, and these are only a fraction of the messages I have received. These stories illustrate how people could be using Purrli in their daily lives, and explain why I was motivated to develop a realistic purr generator.
Anxiety Relief and Stress Control
- I couldn't tell you how many times I've used this cat purr to counter a panic attack, both in process and coming up. Turning this on for even five minutes makes the tension spiral out of my shoulders.
- At work, I'm always very stressed out. Since my cat can't join me there, this cat purr helps calm me down!
- I'm a freshman in college who isn't allowed to have my cat on campus. Back home, my cat really helped calm me down after a panic attack. Sadly, that happened a few times since I've started college, and it has taken me much longer than it should have to calm down. Now, I'm crying listening to this purring cat, because I finally have a way to calm down after a hard day!
- I cannot believe how helpful this generator is. I thought it was so ridiculous at first, but then I realized I had already been listening to it for five hours! I've been having anxiety and panic attacks lately, and this is about the only thing that is starting to calm me down again.
- My cat that grew up with me during childhood died two or three years ago, and whenever I was upset, she would come and lay next to me and purr to calm me down. She would nap with me, and her purring would help put me to sleep. I really miss that. This cat purr generator sounds just like her, and it really helps with my anxiety, especially during large projects.
- The cat purr helps me calm down during school. It's like having my cat with me in class, but without my actual cat.
- Because of my anxiety and schizophrenia, I lay awake at night unable to fall asleep. I've always grown up with cats that had deep purrs. This really helps me calm down and ground me, all-in-all helping me sleep. I use it 24/7.
- I have an anxiety disorder and when my medicine doesn't work, I have an incredibly difficult time falling asleep. I can't stand it being silent, and I used to try to watch television, but I would get too interested in the show to fall asleep. The purr sound works perfectly. It calms me down when I start having anxiety or panic attacks, and it's just the right amount of noise to keep me company. I use it every night!
- This cat purr puts me to sleep even in the middle of the day. It's the ultimate comfort and relaxation app!
- A purring cat helps my busy little two-year-old boy relax and fall asleep!
- Purrli, on an iPad and under my pillow, is the best sleep aid I've found.
- Helps me sleep every night, I usually fall asleep with my cat purring on my face, but since it's summer time it's too hot for my baby to sleep with me. This helps me fall asleep right away -- usually within five minutes! It NEVER repeats the same sound, it changes and it is amazing.
- Listening to this gives me the best sleep I've had in my life.
Healing and Pain Management
- I have fibromyalgia, so I am constantly in pain. This cat purr generator relaxes me and puts me to sleep. When I wake up during the night with pain, it helps me to fall back to sleep. I wish I had this years ago.
- What a blessing this purr noise is. I am in a lot of physical pain, and it is impossible to remain tense from that pain when I'm hearing this.
- Low frequency sound has been proven to increase bone density and heals bones faster. And cat's purr is in the sweet spot of it.
- I have leukemia, and part of my treatment involves long stays in the hospital. Unfortunately (and obviously), I can't bring my cats with me, but this is a purr-fect substitute!
- I've experimented with various types of sound therapy before, but nothing has been comparable to this one. It's beyond soothing, and I feel incredibly at ease after just a few minutes of listening.
Homesickness and Fond Memories
- Sounds like my old cat who sadly passed away. This makes me feel like she is still with me.
- I was able to duplicate the sound of my ailing cat (now that he's gone), and I can still hear him from time to time. Thank you.
- I'm a college student who lives in a dorm. At home, I have three cats, but I miss them so much! Listening to Purrli makes me feel so calm and fills the entire room with love. I couldn't go a day without it because it's so comforting!
- When I'm at work, I miss my purr baby so much. Having this playing in the background makes the time go more smoothly.
- This is so nice to listen to at work when I miss my cat. It really helps me focus, too; it's white noise without being too "white noise-y."
- I have misophonia and work in an office. The purr generator has been a life saver. Now I can drown out the things like coughs, sniffles, throat clears, etc., that used to drive me nuts! It's comforting and helps me to focus.
- This generator is great! It helps me concentrate by providing a background noise that is so normal to me that I sometimes only notice it when it's gone. In my unit – where there is constant noise and distractions – this is perfect!
- This is the best noise ever. I love to sleep listening to this. Reminds me of a cat I once had, which was the best companion ever! It is as if she were sleeping next to me. The experience is so real, it is absolutely amazing, soothing to the soul and brings joy to the heart. I find myself smiling easily when I listen to this. Thank you!
- Unfortunately, I couldn't bring my cat with me while I am away studying at college, and I always miss my cat. Listening to this reminds me of my cat and always brings me joy. This also helps me because I can listen to the soothing sounds of cats purring while I am studying, and I don't get distracted by listening to music when I need to focus on my studies.
- Put a smile on my face. I absolutely love this. Thank you!
- I don't know why, but listening to this makes me really happy.
- I've always wanted a cat. I love listening to them purr and running my fingers through their fur. The people I live with are allergic to cats, so I can't have that experience. This app not only relaxes me, but also helps me to fall asleep, and it kind of gives me a small part of the cat owning experience.
- I love this so much! It sounds like a real cat and makes me so happy! It's so calming and cute. *sigh* I can't have a real pet cat because my mother is allergic to the hair, but this is great!
- I will never listen to music again!
- At the loudest setting, it's just like my 30 lbs. of fluff is sleeping on my face. Minus the being suffocated.
- This doesn't just soothe my anxiety, it also calms my cat and makes him extra snuggly!
- Funny how my cat searches for another cat behind the screen of my computer. It's great, peaceful, and so real!
Helping Cats Too!
As you just read above, a cat purr generator helps other cats too. This has confirmed to me so many times! Here are some additional "cat-tales":
- I foster kittens sometimes, and I recently got three little fellas without a mother. They were really rowdy and didn't really purr much, so I decided to play this purring for them. When I came back to check on them, they were all sleeping around the speaker happily purring along with the recording! It really helps calm them down; I play it all the time now. Thank you so much!
- My father recently rescued a kitten from an intersection while he was out, and the little guy has been housed in my room for the last few days. Playing this over my speaker has not only helped the kitten relax, but I find myself dozing off as well! And when the kitten curls up on me and purrs, I can hardly tell the difference! This app is absolutely becoming a part of my sleep playlists!
- This setting made our kitten meow when he got close to the computer, and there didn't seem to be any other reason? He was also purring. So, I guess this setting is "kitten-approved"!
- Thanks for this! I just found today a tiny cat without a mother almost dehydrated. I took him home, but he was very wild and tried to bite me and scratch me with all the power he had in him... I gave him some food and drink, but he was very much in fear and cried. I then found this app and started to play it for him. He was so happy to hear it! Finally, he stopped crying, became relaxed and is happy :-)
- My cat and I are in love with this generator! He is an enormously active cat, and itís really hard to calm him down. But this problem is solved. Now we can finally rest together listening to the relaxing sounds of purring <3
- I have a hyperactive kitten, and when I play this, he relaxes and rests. We nap together with this noise playing.
- I do a lot of editing and writing in the evenings, and I DO have a cat that 'tries' to help me. I play this, and we both relax. Chives falls asleep on his little nest close by, and I zone in on the manuscript I'm working on. Win-Win for me and the fuzz butt.
- I got a ten-week-old kitten today, her name is Luna. She has been hiding most of the time because she started to miss and call for her mother, so I came up with an idea to put this on. It started to soothe her almost instantly, and she even came up to me where I had my phone playing the sound, and laid with me. It was a perfect bonding experience!
- I just moved, and my kitty is very, very freaked out by being in a new place. I have been able to coax him out from under my blanket with this sound, and it's helping getting him settled. Thanks for helping to soothe my baby!
- It sounds so realistic that I can practically feel the vibrations from it. As soon as I turn it on, if my cat is close enough to hear it, she immediately lays on my bed and gets cuddly. She and I both love it.
- Both my cats immediately came over to the computer. One lay down and chilled, and the other poked and sniffed the speakers for five minutes. Too cool.
- My cat was, as usual, was yelling at me, something about the can opener. I put this on, switched around, and at once she was "content" and laid down and relaxed. It's not just an ambient sound, it's a command mode!
On a deskop or laptop, Purrli starts purring once the page has fully loaded. On mobile phones and tablets, you may have to interact with Purrli first: tap the background, or move a slider.
If you cannot hear any sound, and are using a smartphone, remember that tiny speakers are not able to reproduce the low frequencies of a cat purr. The use of headphones/earphones is highly recommended. Connecting to external speakers can make a big difference too.
Since Purrli runs from a browser, it heavily depends on how that particular browser behaves when faced with power saving issues. Particularly on mobile phones and tablets. If Purrli stops playing when your device enters sleep mode, try using a browser keeps playing sounds in the background, even during your phone standby. Purrli recommends Opera (Mini or Coast on mobiles).
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How does your cat responds to Purrli? Please share pictures or videos of your cat and Purrli purring in the background. Our followers love cats, and yours will be no exception! Submit your contents via WeTransfer (best) or email (pics 'at' Or by sharing on our social accounts.
In the Press
“Purrli is one of those internet things you didn't know you needed, but immediately you can't live without it.” – CNET
“Purrli is the white noise generator of cat lovers' dreams.” – Motherboard
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Noises Online • Exquisite background noises to help you focus, relax or sleep. An ideal complement to Purrli.
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Sounds on this website are generated for personal use only. Reverse-engineering the audio engine code, or using this generator's audio output to produce commercial soundtracks, are strictly forbidden.
© 2017-... Dr. Ir. Stéphane Pigeon